How To Cut Plexiglass 5cm With A Scroll Saw

What Is Plexiglass?

Plexiglass is a type of plastic that is often used for window and door replacements. It can be cut into many shapes and sizes and shatterproof.

Plexiglass is also easy to cut to the right size. With the right tools, you can have the perfect piece of plexiglass for your next project in no time.

How To Cut Plexiglass With A Scroll Saw

To cut plexiglass with a scroll saw, youll need:

A scroll saw

A blade for cutting plexiglass

Safety goggles


A dust mask

These are the steps for cutting plexiglass using a scroll saw.

Measure And Mark

Measure the size of the plexiglass you need to cut and mark the lines with a pencil.

Drill A Starter Hole:

Make a small incision at the center of the lines. This will help you keep your cuts straight.

Attach The Blade To:

Make sure that the blade is properly attached to the scroll saw before starting to cut.

Adjust The Blade’s Depth:

The thickness of the plexiglass should be the depth of the blade.


Start at one end and slowly move the scroll saw blade across the plexiglass. Make sure to keep your hands and fingers clear of the blade.


After you’ve cut the plexiglass to your satisfaction, smoothen any edges with sandpaper.

Safety Tips:

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when cutting 5 cm plexiglass with a scroll saw:

To protect your eyes from any debris, always wear goggles or a mask.

Make sure the blade is sharp and in good condition. Dull blades can cause the glass to shatter.

Use a slow speed when cutting, so the blade doesnt overheat.

At all costs, keep your fingers and hands away from the blade.

If the plexiglass is too thick or large, don’t attempt to cut it. It is best to break the plexiglass into smaller pieces before you cut.

These safety tips will allow you to safely cut 5 cm of plexiglass using a scroll saw.


What Type Of Blade Do You Need To Cut Plexiglass With A Scroll Saw?

A blade specifically designed to cut plexiglass will be required. Make sure to buy a blade that is the correct size for your scroll saw.

Can I Cut Plexiglass With A Regular Saw?

Its not recommended to try and cut plexiglass with a regular saw. You will get better results with a scroll saw, which is specially designed for this purpose.

Can I Cut Plexiglass Using A Scroll Saw?

Yes, it is safe to cut plexiglass with a scroll saw as long as you follow the safety tips listed above. Always wear goggles and a mask when cutting to protect your eyes and lungs from debris.

How Can You Hold The Plexiglass And Cut It?

A piece of wood can be used as a guide for cutting plexiglass. You can also use clamps to hold the plexiglass in place while you cut.

Can Beginners Do This?

Even if youve never used a scroll saw before, you can easily cut 5 cm plexiglass with one. Just follow the steps listed above and be careful when cutting.

What Type Of Blade Works Best To Cut Plexiglass?

There are many blades that can be used for cutting plexiglass. However, a fine-tooth blade is the best option for beginners. You will be able to cut the glass more precisely and it is less likely that it will shatter.

What Are The Dangers Of Cutting Plexiglass?

You can injure your self by cutting plexiglass if you aren’t careful. Always wear goggles and a mask to protect your eyes and lungs from debris. At all times, keep your fingers and hands away from the blade. If the plexiglass is too thick or large, don’t attempt to cut it. Its best to break it into smaller pieces before cutting.


We showed you how to cut 5 cm plexiglass with a scroll saw. You must use the correct blade for the material and be patient while you cut. These tips will help you make smooth and accurate cuts in no time.