Why Does My Chain Saw Want To Cut A Curve?

Like you, I was trying to chop down a tree in my yard when my chainsaw started acting strangely. It seemed like it wanted to curve the cut instead of making a straight line. What could be causing this?

After doing some research, I found out that there are several reasons why your chain saw might want to cut a curve. In this article, Ill explore each of those reasons and tell you how to fix them.

Why Is My Chain Saw Cutting A Curve?

These are just a few reasons your chain saw may want to cut curves:

  • You might be cutting too fast: When youre cutting quickly, the chain can move around more, which can lead to curved cuts.
  • A dull blade may cause your chainsaw to drift.
  • It is possible that you are not holding the chainsaw correctly This can cause curved cuts.
  • Wood you are cutting may be bent: This can cause the blade to slip and put too much pressure on it.
  • There could be something wrong with the chain saw itself: If the chain saw isnt properly aligned, it can cause the blade to cut a curve.

If the chain saw isnt properly aligned, it can cause the blade to cut a curve.

How Do You Fix This Problem?

If youre having trouble with your chain saw cutting a curve, try these tips to see if you can fix the problem.

  • Cut more slowly: This will give you more control over the blade and help prevent it from moving around too much.
  • Sharpen your blade: A sharpened blade will cut better and prevent your chain saw from slipping off-course.
  • Properly hold the chainsaw: Position your hands correctly so that you can have greater control over the blade.
  • Straight lumber: Twisted wood can cause a lot pressure on the blade, causing it to drift.
  • Inspect your chain saw for any problems. A poorly aligned chain saw can cause the blade’s to cut curves. You might need to take it to a professional to have it fixed.

A poorly aligned chain saw can make it difficult to cut curves. It might be necessary to have the saw adjusted by a professional.

Safety Tips When Using A Chain Saw:

Here are some safety tips when using a chain saw:

  1. Be sure to read the owners manual carefully before using the chain saw.
  2. You should wear the appropriate safety gear: boots, gloves and hard hats.
  3. You should ensure that the chain saw is in a good condition and has been properly sharpened.
  4. Do not cut above shoulder height.
  5. Avoid touching the cutting area with your feet and hands.
  6. When using the chainsaw, don’t overexert yourself.
  7. Always cut with the grain of the wood.
  8. Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid contact from other people or objects.
  9. Shut off the chain saw when finished using it.
  10. Store the chain saw in a safe place when not in use.


How Do You Make The Saw Curve Properly?

You can adjust the saw to make it not curve.
Second, check the tension of the chain. If its too tight, it will cause the saw to curve.
Finally, make sure youre cutting with the grain of the wood. The saw can curve if it is cut against the grain.

What Can You Do If Your Chain Saw Starts Cutting A Curve In The Middle Of A Project?

Stop using your chainsaw if it cuts a curve during a project. Take it to a professional for service. Do not try to service the chain saw yourself. This can be very dangerous.

Have Your Chainsaw Ever Tried To Cut A Curve With It?

Yes, I have had my chain saw try to cut a curve. When using a chainsaw, it is important to be alert and take all precautions.


I showed you why your chain saw wants to cut a curve and how you can adjust it so that doesnt happen. I also explained what to do if your saw cuts a curve during a project. Follow these safety tips and have your chain saw serviced by professionals.

I hope this article was helpful. You can ask any questions in the comments section. Thank you for reading!